With summer season here, and now is a great time to get outside and enjoy your pool. With regular pool service, you can ensure that your pool is in great shape for all of your summer recreation needs. One common pool problem that you may encounter is a broken or failing pool pump. By hiring a professional pool service company in Monmouth County NJ that specializes in pool pumps, you can make sure that your swimming pool is ready for you to take a dip. To help you recognize when it is time to schedule pool services for your home, here is a look at some of the top signs that your pool pump needs repair.
- The Pool Pump is Making a Loud Screeching Noise or Sounds Like it’s Full of Rocks
- The Pool Pump is Leaking Water
- The Pool Pump Basket Does Not Fill with Water
- The Pool Pump is Making a Humming Noise and will not Start
- The Pool Pump is Sucking in Air
- The Pool Pump Motor is not Working or Turning Off while Running
- The Flow Rate of the Pool Pump is Low
Whether this is familiar, or your pump just suddenly died, or you need a new pump for a new pool, you want to choose the best one for your pool and your budget. And remember, you’re making a long-term investment in your pool’s health. Pools & Spas Service Inc. offers many pool pump options that can fit within your budget.
If you can repair it, you have the tools you need to do it properly, and you’re comfortable taking apart a pump motor or working with an electrical system, by all means do it. The DIY approach can save you money, plus you get the satisfaction of fixing something yourself.
But if you don’t have the necessary knowledge or skill, or you’re uncomfortable tackling a repair on your own, by all means, call in a professional.
After all, this is the heart of your pool’s plumbing system. If you aren’t confident in your ability, you could actually do more harm than good. Call in a pool pro to take care of the repair the right way the first time.
And hey, you can watch what they do so you might be able to take care of the problem on your own next time.