What is the difference between a regular pool cover and a LOOP-LOC safety pool cover?

A typical solid vinyl pool cover is little more than a tarp to put over your pool. It does not prevent children or pets from gaining access to the pool. All safety covers must conform to the Standard Performance Specification set by the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM). According to the ASTM, a safety cover must be able to support a certain amount of weight, not permit gaps that a child or pet could squeeze through, and remove standing water. LOOP-LOC safety pool covers far exceed minimum ASTM standards. Built from extremely strong material and secured tightly to the deck by heavy-duty springs and brass anchors, a LOOP-LOC safety cover puts a “lock” on a pool that will prevent children and pets from gaining access to the water.

What is the difference between a LOOP-LOC mesh cover and a solid pool cover?

Both the original LOOP-LOC super dense mesh safety swimming pool cover and our Patented ULTRA-LOC solid safety swimming pool cover provide superior protection for your family. Mesh covers do have one safety advantage: they do not permit water to collect. In order to meet safety cover performance standards, solid covers must provide for the elimination of standing water.

Our Patented ULTRA-LOC® solid safety cover is available in two versions: one with “invisible” mesh panels that allow water to drain through, and an all-solid version that is always sold with an automatic cover pump. Our ULTRA-LOC material is proprietary to LOOP-LOC and made with 100% polypropylene. The pump must be used at all times in order to maintain the safety of the cover. Ultimately, though, the choice between a mesh or solid cover is up to the preference of the user.  Please see important automatic pump instructions under the Care & Maintenace FAQ section for additional information.

What is super dense mesh?

LOOP-LOC’s super dense mesh is manufactured with a denser weave that blocks virtually all sunlight but still lets rain and melting snow easily drain through.  It is the perfect choice for customers who want less light and debris in their pools, but still want the one-of-a-kind protection of the only pool cover proven safe and strong enough to support and elephant! Other 99% mesh covers on the market become clogged and must be scrubbed down in order to drain properly, or the manufacturer also recommends using an automatic cover pump. Avoid the hassle by purchasing LOOP-LOC’s super dense mesh: no scrubbing, no pumps.

LOOP-LOC®’s Aqua-Xtreme Virtually Solid Mesh Safety Cover is everything you could want in a pool cover, and more!

Imagine opening your pool in the spring and having it look almost as clean as the day you closed it. That’s what you can expect from the new Aqua-Xtreme Virtually Solid Mesh Safety covers from LOOP-LOC®. Our ultimate light-blocking fabric not only deters algae growth but drains lightning-quick. Unlike other light blocking covers, this one drains up to 80 gallons per minute without clogging, giving you complete peace of mind.

What colors do you offer?

LOOP-LOC’s super dense mesh covers are offered in our best-selling green, along with our designer color series: blue, tan, gray and black. Our ULTRA-LOC ll covers are offered in green, and designer colors: blue and tan.

See Our Cover Gallery