A practical choice for residential pools, PebbleQuartz is the preferred Quartz finish with durability warrantied by PebbleTec.

PebbleQuartz White Classic:

Smooth Texture: PebbleQuartz gives the clean, uniform look and feel of a traditional plaster/quartz finish – but with extra strength.

High Durability: PebbleQuartz is made of silica-based aggregate rather than soft (marble) aggregate, delivering durability that is a step above that of other quartz and plaster finishes.

PebbleQuartz Aquarius:

Smooth Texture: PebbleQuartz gives the clean, uniform look and feel of a traditional plaster/quartz finish – but with extra strength.

High Durability: PebbleQuartz is made of silica-based aggregate rather than soft (marble) aggregate, delivering durability that is a step above that of other quartz and plaster finishes.

PebbleQuartz Baja Blue:

Smooth Texture: PebbleQuartz gives the clean, uniform look and feel of a traditional plaster/quartz finish – but with extra strength.

High Durability: PebbleQuartz is made of silica-based aggregate rather than soft (marble) aggregate, delivering durability that is a step above that of other quartz and plaster finishes.

PebbleQuartz Baja Blue:

Smooth Texture: PebbleQuartz gives the clean, uniform look and feel of a traditional plaster/quartz finish – but with extra strength.

High Durability: PebbleQuartz is made of silica-based aggregate rather than soft (marble) aggregate, delivering durability that is a step above that of other quartz and plaster finishes.

Optional Quartz Accents in 4 Colors:

You may also choose to add Quartz Color Accents to create an especially distinctive look

(White Classic with accents shown below).

Options include:


$4,000 VALUE

in Free services with the purchase of any concrete pool resurfacing job of $10,000 or more. Valid until 4/30. Special financing for 18 months. Subject to credit approval

Call for details.
*Cannot be combined with
other deals. Expires 4/30/25

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